Sunday, June 26, 2016

Hopkins Picnic to Include Antique Tractor Show

The 128th Hopkins Picnic will again include an Antique Tractor Show on Saturday, July 9 at the Hopkins Park north of town where all its activities will be held.

Registration will be open at 10:30; participant judging with trophies and prizes will be awarded at 1 p.m.

Lunch will be available on the grounds, in the shade of the shelter house.

This is an event when admirers of "Old Iron" can showcase their favorites, share their stories of acquisition and/or restoration challenges, and enjoy visiting with others who share their interests.

The public is invited to view tractors at any time at the park and take advantage of lunch on the grounds.  Exhibitors and spectators are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, and plan to stay for the time of awards.

For more information contact: Richard Brand, 660-778-3476, or Bill Brand, 660-778-3281 or 816-390-7898.

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