Friday, September 22, 2023

NEN Hires After School Teacher, Accepts Resignation

The Northeast Nodaway School Board hired Madeline Horstmann as an After School Care Teacher and accepted the resignation of Abbie Groomer as Assistant Track Coach Thursday.

Two teachers presented reports to the board. Mrs. Gladman reported on the new Elementary Scholar Bowl team. They have competed at several meets and are doing very well. They won their first three meets. Mrs. Sobotka reported on the new Purposeful People curriculum being used this year which is focusing on social and emotional learning.

Assistant Principal Chaim Jenkins reported that Northeast Nodaway FFA officers attended the National FFA officer visit on September 12th at Northwest Tech. Fall CDE’s will be October 5th. The FCCLA has 12 students interested in joining. 

The school did a survey regarding golf. Eight students expressed interest in girls golf with softball taking precedence. Three girls expressed interest in golf as their primary fall sport. Two boys expressed interest in golf with baseball taking precedence. Three boys expressed interest in golf as their primary spring sport. Ten students expressed interest in golf as a non-competitive club.

Principal Heidi Beatty reported on Grandparents Day that was held on September 11th. 199 students, 40 faculty and staff, and 120 guests were served. The student body president read an excerpt about 9/11. The sixth grade led the Pledge. Teachers, staff, and coaches introduced themselves to the guests.

The Northeast Nodaway PTO elected a new president in Manessa Runde. They have purchased PreK-6 homework folders, bought shirts for the new Elementary Scholar Bowl team, and is planning an Art to Remember fundraiser and two Bingo events.

Superintendent Brenda Dougan reported that woodchips for the playground were spread by Jeff and Jake Redden. Part of the tile border had to be removed. Most of the greenhouse materials are in. 

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