Saturday, July 11, 2020

Thieves Scamming Ringgold County Residents by Impersonating Sheriff

The Ringgold County Sheriff's Office has had several reports recently of telephone callers trying to scam local citizens out of their money by posing some sort of threat or promise of reward if the citizen purchases gift cards.  The scammer then asks for the identifying numbers off the gift cards.  

One known scam was promise of winning cash and a new vehicle.  The scammer asked the citizen to purchase gift cards at their local pharmacy.  The scammer was persistent and called the citizen several times trying to work out the exchange.  They offered detailed information about prize claim numbers, vehicle information and attorney's coming to deliver the rewards, but wanted the gift cards purchased first.

Another recent scam involved the caller telling  local citizens he was Sheriff Rob Haley and the caller identification showed the call coming from the sheriff's office number.  It was not Rob nor placed from the sheriff's office.  The scammer threatened the citizen that they were in trouble and needed to pay with gift cards to get out of trouble. No law enforcement agency will call you saying they are planning to arrest you.  Further, law enforcement agencies will never ask you to pay in gift cards to avoid arrest or imprisonment.  

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