Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Maryville Passes Mask Ordinance

On Wednesday, the Maryville City Council unanimously passed a mask ordinance, with the support of Northwest Missouri State University, the Nodaway County Health Department, and the Mosaic Medical Center of Maryville. The ordinance requires all members of the public to wear face coverings in public during the current Coronavirus pandemic.

Over the past week, the Nodaway County Health Department has confirmed almost three dozen positive cases. With several thousand Northwest students set to return to campus, the goal is to prevent further exponential growth and prevent future shelter in place orders, closure of nonessential businesses, and restrictions on gathering sizes.

A face covering will be required in all instances where an individual cannot be expected to stay at least six feet away from people outside of their immediate household. This includes retail establishments, places of employment, restaurant and bar establishments, and sporting events. 

Enforcement shall include education, working to promote mitigation of the spread of the Coronavirus, and fines. The ordinance includes a series of exceptions for various conditions and situations.

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