Thursday, July 16, 2020

Editorial -- Pharmacist Robert Courtney Should Serve Full Term in Prison

We normally feel that our prison sentences are excessive, and too many people are getting put away who could be productive citizens despite their choices. However, we feel that Robert Courtney should serve his full term for what he did; we agree with Senators Blunt and Hawley along with Congressman Sam Graves and Emanuel Cleaver.

Courtney was convicted of diluting lifesaving chemotherapy drugs, directly affecting peoples’ quality of life, and in some cases, killing them. This is the sort of action that was deliberate, premeditated, and preplanned. As our governor said, “COVID-19 doesn’t excuse taking countless innocent lives.” Courtney’s victims had friends, family members, and children who depended on them.

He would water down chemotherapy drugs, pocket the profits, and make millions of dollars in the process. Courtney’s victims sued him and the drug makers in question, getting a settlement totaling over $100 million, according to FOX 4 Kansas City. But that is of little consolation to Craig Picard, quoted in FOX 4, said, “His sentence is for 30 years. We are looking at less than 30 years. This is a gentleman with grave problems with having so many people involved. Who can tell how many people that he really affected?”

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