Monday, January 6, 2014

MoDOT Urges Caution on Roads as Cold Conditions Continue

As MoDOT crews finish clearing snow from shoulders and wind-drifted patches, motorists are urged to slow down and watch out for patches of ice that may linger especially on rural roads and secondary routes.
Crews have been working around the clock, and bitterly cold temperatures make it difficult to plow snow or treat roadways with salt and other snow-melting materials. Even in areas where crews have made progress, it's possible motorists may encounter slick spots where refreeze has occurred or blowing snow has covered an already-plowed roadway.

"This isn't a typical storm, where we can make great headway once it stops snowing," said District Engineer Don Wichern. "In some areas of the state where they received more snow, even though it's been almost two days since the snow stopped, motorists will still find major routes still packed because of the winds and cold temps."

When temperatures dip well below zero degrees, getting stranded on the side of the road can be very dangerous. Before you head out, equip your vehicle with an emergency kit and let a friend or family member know when and where you're traveling. 

For more information about road conditions, call 1-888-ASK-MODOT (888-275-6636) or visit and view the online Traveler Information Map. In addition, MoDOT provides updated information on Twitter @MoDOTNorthwest and Facebook at

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