Monday, July 21, 2008

Recollections of a Farm Woman for July 23rd, 2008

Country roads, take me home, to the place where I belong -- so the song goes. Life lesson 578 -- never go to the hayfield to check on your son and grandson in a pair of shoes you can’t walk a mile and a half in. Especially if you get the pickup stuck and your family isn’t in the hayfield yet.
I glanced towards the machine shed upon arriving home after being gone for the day. I could have sworn the tractor and bailer were missing, so after an hour or so, I decided to go to the field to see how things were going.
By the time I had hot-footed it to the highway, my feet were barking and I had to walk on my tippy-toes in the shoes until I made it to my ‘ole dirt road, and was I ever glad it was dirt. I took off my shoes and went barefoot. I was lucky to find a strip on the road that had sugar sand like dirt on it.
It wasn’t a total loss on my walk. I picked up several pieces of wire and barbed wire lying in wait for some hapless truck, tractor, or car tire to come along. My feet were none the worse for wear when I got home and had a good soak.
Ten years ago, my feet didn’t fare so well. I was trying to attend two high school graduations in different towns and counties. Halfway in between, my car quit on me as it was at the bast of my dirt road.
My dress shoes were not made to run up a road, so I took them off and left my hose on as I was in a big rush. I thought I could hurry a mile, get another vehicle, and continue on. No such luck; by the time I got home, I couldn’t have made the graduation in time, plus I had blisters on both my feet.

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