Thursday, July 17, 2008

Letter to the Editor -- Farmers for Kay

Dear Editor,
I am writing for hundreds of Missouri farmers who believe we need a change in Washington, and Kay Barnes is the right person for the job. The family farmers I know are not happy with Sam Graves. We are sick and tired of being represented by someone who does the bidding of the oil companies and special interests.
With diesel and fertilizer costing more than ever, it is hard for many of us to make a living. But instead of looking out for us, Graves has voted to give oil companies more tax breaks. And he even voted against the Production Tax Credit for renewable energy. Many farmers have benefited from the biofuel and wind energy investments in their communities.
Family farmers are getting hit from all directions---increased cost of production and health insurance premiums are skyrocketing so there is little left to save for retirement. Kay Barnes is who we need in Congress instead of Special Interest Sam. She has the courage to stand up to oil companies and fight for our interests. And she knows how to get things done by working with Republicans and Democrats. Vote for change in November.

William Bruce Jr.
Farmers for Kay

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