Thursday, July 24, 2008

Opinion: Sam Graves' campaign flyer gaffe

Opinions Represent the views of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Sheridan Express.

By the Kay Barnes campaign.

They say time flies when you're having fun. Well, apparently Congressman Sam Graves has been having such a good time in Washington representing special interests for the past eight years that he must want voters to forget as much of it as possible.
Sam Graves has been distributing re-election flyers touting that the incumbent Congressman has been in Washington for six years, when this is actually his eighth year in Washington.
"It's no wonder that Sam Graves wants us to forget how long he's been in Washington," said Steve Glorioso, Kay for Congress spokesman. "The Bush-Graves Administration of the last eight years has been a disaster. Whether it's passing tax breaks for companies that outsource jobs, opposing the Production Tax Credit for renewable energy, protecting companies that knowingly hire illegal immigrants, or cutting funding for veterans, seniors and children, each of Graves' four terms has wreaked havoc on Northwest Missouri's economy and people."
Glorioso added, "Maybe Graves thought that six years wouldn't seem as bad as eight. But looking at his abysmal record, it's hard to tell which of Sam Graves' disastrous two-year terms he wants us to forget."
Which two years does Graves want us to forget?

2001-2002: The Damage Begins
Presided over first Bush/Graves recession
Gave tax breaks to companies that outsource jobs
Sponsored wasteful pork-barrel project to combat "Goth" culture

2003-2004: Irresponsible Values
Opposed middle class tax cuts
Blocked minimum wage increase
Opposed better equipment for combat soldiers

2005-2006: Turned His Back on Our Priorities
Raided the Social Security Trust Fund and raised Medicare Premiums
Cut Veterans' funding
Protected employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants

2007-2008: Putting Missourians At Risk
Presided over second Bush/Graves recession
Denied health insurance to millions of children
Blocked the Production Tax Credit for renewable energy five times

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