Sunday, June 23, 2024

Worth County School Board Hires Cody Green as Varsity Softball Coach, Accepts Two Resignations

The Worth County School Board, at their regular meeting Wednesday, hired Cody Green as the new varsity girls softball coach. The school is still looking for coaches for the junior high girls softball team and the varsity girls basketball team. The board accepted two more resignations, from High School Counselor Jessica Maschino and Ag Teacher Reese Zollman. The board filled one teaching vacancy when they offered Alec Summers a social studies teaching contract.

The board accepted a $1.75 million rebate for five electric school buses and the infrastructure to charge them with. In order to accept the buses, the school must decommission, donate, or sell five buses. There will be no cost to the district. The district will receive rebates and can sell two of the replacement buses. The school is one of 18 in the state to get the rebate.

The school put out a fact sheet on the buses. Schools receive transportation money from the state for allowable costs. Sometimes, it is 75%, but more frequently, it is closer to 25%. Schools can depreciate buses over eight years to help pay for new buses. These funds could finance new buses as needed. Batteries for the new electric buses have an eight year warranty and EV components have a five year warranty.

Electric buses will have a range of 100 miles and will recharge from 0% to 100% in five hours. Gas or diesel buses will be used for longer trips. When an electric bus runs out of life, batteries can be converted to stationary storage and buses can be recycled or refurbished. 

Operational costs will be an estimated 80% less than operations and maintenance of a diesel bus. Estimated operating savings will be approximately $33,000 a year. 

Over the span of 5-12 years, the district will need to replace the five electric buses. The district would be free to purchase gas, diesel, or other buses and can use state transportation money to do so. Currently, the school has 3-5 diesel buses that need to be replaced. The cost of replacement is approximately $120,000 per bus. That is around $360,000 in expenses that are avoided.

Currently, the school has four buses that have over 100,000 miles with two being over 200,000 miles. Five of their eight buses are from 2011 or older, with the oldest being from 2002. All of the buses passed the Highway Patrol’s inspection. Statewide, around 88% of buses pass inspection.

Superintendent Chris Healy updated the board on summer facility projects. Softball lights and the new fence will go up in July, as will new football bleachers. The elementary LED light replacement is in progress. The gym floor will be refinished in fall 2024. The building welding area will be upgraded in summer 2024. Other bond projects, including the new foyer connecting the high school to the ag building, will take place in summer 2025.

The board approved the budget for the upcoming school year. The school is expected to see their enrollment increase to 285 pupils, with an average daily attendance rate of 262. The elementary, which now includes PK, will serve approximately 160 students. The high school is expected to serve around 125 students. 

The new budget reflects a 4.6% increase in salaries and benefits from last year. This is impacted by the state grant, which will increase the minimum teacher salary to $400,000. Administration will receive a 5% increase, and non-certified staff will receive a 12% increase. The district will continue to contribute $500 per month towards the employee’s district health care plan. Health insurance is offered to all employees that work 20 or more hours per month. Each employee also received a $15,000 life insurance policy paid for by the school.

The last COVID-19 relief funds were received by the district in 2023-24, so operating fund revenues will decrease in 2024-25 by approximately $650,000. Local revenues are also less due to grants received in 2023-24. State revenues are projected to be $150,000 less due to grants received in 2024. Federal revenues will decrease approximately $300,000, since all ESSER funds have been expended. The district will receive $1,300,000 in revenue from the sale of bonds, and that money has been budgeted to complete renovation of football bleachers, new softball lights, the connection of the main high school building to the ag building, new vestibules, and other work. 

For the current school year, local revenues are projected to be $2,248,532. County revenues are projected to be $351,124. State revenues are projected to be $1,909,935. Federal revenues are projected to be $666,491. Non-current revenues are projected to be $1,000. Revenue from other sources is projected to be $7,376, for a total of $5,174,459. Expenditures are projected to be $4,567,217 for a projected surplus of $607,242. 

For the upcoming school year, local revenues are expected to be $1,930,350. County revenues are projected to be $301,000. State revenues are projected to be $1,772,376. Federal revenues are projected to be $311,926. The school will get $1,300,500 from the recently passed bond issue and is expected to get $7,000 from other sources for a total of $5,623,152. Total expenses are projected to be $5,889,424 for a projected deficit of $266,272. Current operating fund reserves are around 70% of annual expenses, and if the projections hold out, that number is expected to decrease to 64%. For the last several years, the school has typically planned for a worst-case scenario budget with a deficit of around $300,000, which has never happened. 

The board set new meal prices for the upcoming school year. Elementary breakfast will cost $1.90. High school breakfast will be $2.10. Elementary lunch will be $2.65. High school lunch will be $2.95. School district lunch costs increased 34 cents per meal and breakfast costs increased 20 cents per meal.

The school is seeking a grant from the Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education to fund its Pre-K program. If awarded, the school will receive $50,000 for a room of 11-20 students and $25,000 for a room of 10 students. The board approved seeking the grant.

The next meeting will be held on July 17th at 6 pm in the Superintendent’s Office.

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