Saturday, June 15, 2024

Hadley DeFreece Fans 16, Bluejays Hold Off Platte Valley 8-6

Hadley DeFreece fanned 16 Platte Valley batters Thursday, but the Bluejay softball team had to cling by their fingernails in the last inning before reversing their fortunes against Platte Valley and getting an 8-6 win. Platte Valley had their number a year ago and in districts two years ago. 

As Hadley was striking out batters right and left, Northeast built up a big lead, starting with two in the first. Baylie Busby got a triple, followed by a double from Hadley DeFreece, and a single from Brianna Meyer to make it 4-0. Hayley Yost grounded out to advance them and Makenzie Pride beat out an infield hit to score another run to make it 5-0.

Despite some baserunning gaffes, the Bluejays continued to pull away as they got one in the fourth. Sasha Deardorff got the benefit of a call on a 3-2 pitch, stole second, and took third on a throwing error and Mylee Wilmes singled her home. The Bluejays loaded the bases with one out in the sixth as Yost walked, Makenzie Pride singled, and Sasha Deardorff beat out an infield hit. Mylee Wilmes’ bad bop single scored two more to make it 8-0.

But the Bluejays got four runners thrown out on the basepaths that night, and that was enough to give Platte Valley hope. A bad hop single started off the Platte Valley sixth as Kenzie Redden reached safely. Like Northeast Nodaway, Conception Junction had a treacherous infield that was susceptible to bad hops. Northeast got an out, but then Platte Valley totally changed their approach at the plate. Instead of chasing Hadley DeFreece’s high pitches and striking out, they suddenly starting holding up on them and fouling off anything close. That led to three walks in a row to force in a run. 

DeFreece struck out the next batter, but then the top of the lineup came up and a tough grounder was snagged by shortstop Brianna Meyer, but she had no play anywhere and everybody was safe. Maleeah Bliley came up and cleared the bases with a three run double, and came home to make it 8-6 after getting in a rundown, but then DeFreece struck out the next batter for the final out to preserve Northeast’s unbeaten (so far) season. 

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