Monday, June 24, 2024

North Harrison Approves Salary Schedule, Awards Food Bids

The North Harrison School Board, at their June 19th meeting, approved the salary schedule. The school is waiting on approval of the Teacher Baseline Salary Grant, which could be in August or later. This will allow the school to pay a minimum of $40,000 to its certified teaching staff at no additional cost to the district. This will adjust the salary of 14 out of its 24 teachers and add up to $33,582 in state monies for salary and benefits.

The board zeroed out the teacher’s fund and transferred $162,326 from the general fund to the capital projects fund.

Kiley Taylor was named 9th grade sponsor.

The board approved an amended CSIP which includes a required literacy plan.

Food bids were awarded. Anderson/Erickson was awarded the milk bid. Graves Foods was awarded the bread bid. NEW Cooperative was awarded the propane and diesel bids.

Superintendent Ethan Sickels reported that the school is applying for the preschool grant again. If approved, they will be able to offer free preschool for four year olds and cover the costs of the program.

Repairs on the Cooling Tower were completed at the beginning of May with a cost of $15,300. The contractor is in the process of flushing the HVAC system. All of the interior leaks have been fixed.

The school is seeking a grant to purchase a new sound system. This will allow them to announce events at the new track or inside the building. 

The school will have a new cell phone policy for the upcoming school year. Cell phones, ear buds, and other electronic devices will not be allowed to be used in the school building during the normal school day, with exceptions for passing time and lunch. During allowed usage times, the phone must be on vibrate. If major issues occur due to the use of cell phones, the administration reserves the right to revoke cell phone privileges for all students. Students may bring cell phones to the high school office and retrieve them at the end of the day or keep them in their locker. Students are not to have cell phones, ear buds, or any other electronic devices within the classroom during the school day. If a teacher sees such items, they will be confiscated. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action.

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