Sunday, June 9, 2024

Editorial -- Facebook Hates Rural America

Unfortunately, we won't be on Facebook as much as we used to be. Over the last several months, Facebook has been engaging in a systematic attack on our paper, taking down our posts for no reason that we can think of. This, after they let us post at will for 15 years on this platform. This is not just an attack on us; this is an attack on all of you as well as our whole way of life. 

It comes down to one of three possible explanations: 1. The moderators are from out of the country just like the owners of Alpha Media, who recently dumped Stuart Johnson, are from out of the area and don't understand Rural America or our way of life. 2. Their algorithm is written in a way to allow the likes of Bill Gates or Elon Musk or some other billionaire to make a living while keeping the rest of us down. When we grow to a certain point, their spam filter kicks in. 3. They hate Rural America and our way of life and don't want us to succeed in any way b/c they would rather see us working like slaves for just over broke instead of making a living.

So we are looking for a new home for our blog so we can promote our paper to the world. X (formerly Twitter) is not an option. Since Elon Musk bought it out, the quality has become worse and worse. Now, it is down (at least for us) for hours at a time, only up occasionally. So while we may post there occasionally, it is not a solution. We have a Plan C that we will roll out soon. It is not ideal, there are not a lot of people from around here on it, but it might be the best solution we have.

But the irony of it is that while Facebook is attacking us, and all of you by extension, they are letting the real scammers get away. Case in point:

–Catholic Answers is one of the country’s largest Catholic apologetics shows in the country. We encountered an imposter site, “Catholic Answers Live,” which posts disparaging content in its private group against the Catholic faith. Not only that, they openly say that Eastern Orthodox people, who are one of the three main branches of Christianity, are not welcome. We have friends and subscribers who are strong Protestants and who are strong Catholics. But dividing the body of Christ is just wrong, let alone set up an imposter site to do bait and switch content. Naturally, we reported it as spreading hate. Half an hour later, Facebook denied our claim. Even though imposter sites are a direct violation of Facebook’s Terms of Service.

–Another case in point: There was a fake advertising site claiming Wal-Mart was giving away hundreds of free electronics. We reported it. Facebook refused to take it down. Even though this is a direct violation of Facebook’s Terms of Service against spreading false information. We see these fake giveaway sites on Facebook all the time. There has been a rash of thefts at the Maryville Wal-Mart this year, judging by the court pages. We have a theory that at least part of it is related to Facebook allowing scammers on its site to claim that Wal-Mart and other retail giants are giving away stuff for free. And then the politicians wonder why there is so much crime in the country.

Third case in point: We have gotten numerous friend requests from porn accounts. We report and block those accounts, which contain nudity, sexual services, and explicit videos. We recommend that you do as well if you choose to continue using Facebook. After all, how do we know that those accounts are not underage? In Missouri, belief that someone is over the age of consent is not a defense if the cops arrest you. 

Fourth case in point: A few weeks ago, we had a scammer post on our Sheridan Express profile image, which is a public domain photo of General Philip Sheridan, after whom our town is named. They were making dire threats against us alleging copyright violations and giving us a number to call. They even had a fake checkmark purporting to show they were an admit. Even though that poster was impersonating Facebook, Facebook refused to do anything about that scammer.

Since Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, has decided that he hates Rural America so much, we have one question to ask him. If he and his company succeed in destroying our way of life by keeping us down, where is he going to find the food that he eats every day? Even the billions of dollars that he and Facebook have is not going to buy the food that he eats if there is no longer anyone around to make it. 

Editorials are the view of the Editor and Publisher. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Sheridan Express Cooperative board of directors or its membership.

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