Monday, March 4, 2024

The First Ever Newspaper Published in America

The first ever newspaper was published in United States during colonial times on Thursday, September 25th, 1690. It was named, “Publick Occurrences.” A lot of the things the publisher wrote in his preamble are eerily relevant today.

It is designed that the country shall be furnished once a month (or if any glut of occurrences happen, oftener) with an account of facts considerable things as have arrived into our notice.

In order hereunto, the Publisher will take what pains he can to obtain a faithful relation of all such things, and will particularly make himself beholden to such persons in Boston whom he knows to have been for their own use the diligent observers of such matters.

That which is proposed is, First, that memorable occurrences of divine providence may not be neglected or forgotten, as they too often are. Secondly, that people everywhere may better understand the circumstances of public affairs, both abroad and at home, which may not only direct their thoughts at all times, but at some times to affect their businesses and negotiations.

Thirdly, that something may be done towards the curing, or at least the charming of that spirit of lying which prevails among us; wherefore, nothing shall be entered, but what we have reason to believe is true, repairing to the best fountains for our information. And when there appears any material mistake in anything that is collected, it shall be corrected in the next.

Moreover, the publisher of these occurrences is willing to engage that whereas there are many false reports, maliciously made, and forced among us, if any well-minded person will be at the pains to trace any such false report, so far as to find out and convict the first raiser of it, he will in this paper (unless just advice be given to the contrary) expose the name of such person as a malicious raiser of a false report. It is supposed that none will dislike this proposal but such as intend to be guilty of so villainous a crime.

While the paper did not contain any direct criticisms of the colonial government, the authorities felt threatened enough by it that they suppressed publication after one issue. The next newspaper in the colonies was not established until 1704.

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