Monday, March 4, 2024

New Century Farm Nominations Being Sought

In 1976, Missouri’s Centennial Farm project awarded certificates to persons owning farms that had been in the same family for 100 years or more. The MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources and MU Extension planned a 10-year update in 1986 called the Century Farm program. Since then, the program has been an annual event, recognizing more than 100 farms each year. In 2008, the Missouri Farm Bureau became a program co-sponsor. More than 8,000 Missouri Century Farms have been recognized.

“Missouri Farm Bureau is a proud partner in the recognition of century farms,” said Garrett Hawkins, president of Missouri Farm Bureau. “We applaud the hard-working farm families that have kept us fed and clothed for generations. They represent an important part of our heritage and laid a foundation for the bounty Americans enjoy every day.”

To qualify, farms must meet the following criteria: 

–The same family must have owned the farm for 100 consecutive years. 

–The line of ownership from the original settler or buyer may be through children, grandchildren, siblings, and nephews or nieces, including through marriage or adoption. 

–The farm must be at least 40 acres of the original land acquisition and make a financial contribution to the overall farm income. 

For more information, visit the program’s webpage at 

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