Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Hopkins Christian Church Service on March 28th, 1954

Recently, Betty (Cross) Lee of Bedford found an old church program from March 28th, 1954 from the Hopkins Christian Church. It was from the service in which she was baptized. 

Albert Hart was the minister of the church and Mrs. Harold Baldwin was the organist. Their motto was, “Enter to Worship, Depart to Serve.”

The hymns were, “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “More Like the Master,” and “Beneath the Cross of Jesus.” Mrs. Arlene Russell performed a special. The invitation hymn was, “I’ll Live for Him.” The sermon topic was, “The Uplifted Christ Lifts Men by his Absolute Certainty.” 

There were two youth fellowships active at the time. There was a Chi Rho Fellowship for all boys and girls from 5th to 8th grades. The Christian and Methodist churches did a  youth fellowship together. There was an organ recital upcoming at the First Christian Church in Maryville that afternoon. It was in connection with the dedication of their new organ. 

The church was preparing to host a First District World Youth Fellowship the next week. The whole program, including a dinner, was $1 and included conference groups, singing, recreation, evening worship, and a speaker, Mrs. Fay Livengood, who had been a missionary to India for many years. 

All the Hopkins churches were getting ready for Holy Week, which was held at the Baptist Church that year. Each church held a Communion Service and, and the Christian Church held a candlelight service and a cantata.

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