Sunday, November 23, 2008

DOT: Salt Shortage Will Not Affect Missouri Roads

When the first snowfall of winter hits this year, MoDOT is prepared with enough salt and equipment to maintain the level of service we have provided in previous years. Safety is always our highest priority. While some towns and municipalities in Missouri may be concerned about salt supplies, MoDOT will not have trouble keeping highways drivable.

Last year's particularly harsh winter depleted much of the country's salt supply causing prices to rise. This, coupled with a strong hurricane season and high Mississippi River levels, has made delivery of salt via river barges slow.

MoDOT takes salt bids in May and is virtually unaffected by the supply decline that happened late this summer. The department received its first salt shipment over the summer in order to pre-fill and prepare for the first snow in Missouri. During the winter, as salt supplies are used, part of the agency's contract agreement with suppliers is to provide for a replenishment order sometime between Nov. 1 and April 30.

"Trying to keep salt throughout the winter and not run out is tricky," Maintenance Liaison Engineer Tim Jackson said. "Conserving as much salt as possible is the best method. You have to keep the strength of the storm in mind and use the right amount at the right time, while still maintaining road safety."

MoDOT reminds you, "In Ice and Snow, Take It Slow."
Here are some tips for driving in winter weather:
Slow down for wet, snowy, icy conditions.
Avoid quick braking or acceleration.
Find out about driving conditions before you go.
Every time you travel - Buckle Up to Arrive Alive.
Turn signals, brake lights and windows need to be clear of snow.
You should never use cruise control in winter weather conditions. Find out more at

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