Saturday, May 4, 2024

High School Basketball Rules Changes for 2024-25

Here are some of the basketball rules changes for the 2024-25 season:

–Warnings will now be issued if a player flops, or fakes being fouled. This includes theatrical movements when there is no illegal contact. A violation means a team warning. Additional violations mean a team technical foul.

–If a defensive player contacts the net, play will continue if the official judges that the contact does not affect a shot attempt.

–Officials can now issue a team warning for delay of game when the ball is not immediately passed to an official when a whistle sounds. Continued violations now result in a team technical. This will prevent situations where players take the ball during a break in the action and throw it at opposing players while the officials are not paying attention.

–Auxiliary scorers are now responsible for notifying the official scorer in the event of a scoring discrepancy. The scorekeeper will then notify the referee. This will prevent situations like the one in King City that happened two years ago when the scorekeeper failed to add a point to the Northeast Nodaway girls score, which could have affected the outcome of the game. Northeast got a stop at the end to preserve a 26-24 win.

–If bench personnel are beckoned to attend to an injured player, the player is subject to removal unless the coach requests a timeout.

–If a player is bleeding or has blood on the uniform, the player can remain in the game if the issue can be resolved in 20 seconds.

–Players who are out of bounds cannot assist a teammate to remain inbounds.

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