Julea Gerhard recently posted eight pages worth of ads from the 1929 Gaynor Yearbook in the Facebook group Parnell Remembered showcasing some of the various businesses in the area during that time frame:
“The Norris Poultry and Egg Company at Parnell will pay you the highest market price for your poultry, eggs, and cream. Geo. Wilson, Manager.”
“Basement Barber Shop. Haircuts, shaves, shampoos, tonics, massaging, and shear grinding. S.D. Cook, Proprietor, Hopkins.”
“Fred L. Gray. Dealer in fresh meats, groceries, fruits, and vegetables. Hanamo Phone No. 7, Hopkins, MO. The Place to Trade.”
“Mrs. Godsey’s Beauty & Art Shoppe. Authorized Eugene Permanent Wavers. 205 North Main, Maryville. Hanamo Phone 272; Farmers Phone 272.”
“Ford and Ford Apple Orchard. Eat an apple a day and keep the doctor away. Jonathans and Missouri Pippins. Five miles west of Parnell.”
“West’s Barber Shop. Haircuts, tonics, shampoos, massages. Swift, efficient, up to date service. We take a pride in your looks. C.F. West, Proprietor.”
“Tween Meals. Chase Candy Company, St. Joseph. The delicious 5 cent candy bar. For sale everywhere.”
“Sirles Merc, Co., Hopkins, MO. Star Brand Shows, Morningwear, Furnishings, Ladies ready to wear, Dry Goods, Glover Shirts and Nightwear, Rollins Hose. Phone 35.”
“The Ideal Drug Store, Parnell, MO. Drugs, school supplies, sundries, ice cream, fountain drinks, cigars, magazines, paints & oils, toilet goods. Try the drug store first.”
“Pickering Lumber Company, Pickering, MO. Whether it is a fence post or a house bill that you need, we strive to give you good, fair service. We have good coal and keep it well screened.”
“Farmers Produce & Shipping Company. Home of MFA Products. Cash dealers in flour, feeds, and farm produce. You must be satisfied.”
“Wm. C. Alexander, Pickering. Fancy groceries, confectionary, fresh means. I also carry a good line of Notions Overalls, work shirts, and all kinds of ladies and mens hosiery, overshoes for large or small people. If anything you buy at Bill’s is not right, tell him, he will make it right. I appreciate your business. Phone 39, Pickering.”
“Farmers Bank of Parnell. A bank account is a strong business foundation. The starting of a bank account is the first step in building up your credit, but you must keep your account properly and take care of your obligations promptly if you wish to maintain your credit so that your requirements will be taken care of in time of need. We solicit your account as a foundation for your credit requirements later on. Capital and surplus $30,000.”
“Farmer’s Exchange. MFA farm products of all kinds. Parnell, MO. T.M. Cox, manager. Capital stock $8,000.”
“The Farmers & Merchant Bank, Hopkins, MO. Your account solicited.”