Sunday, November 9, 2014

Doin' God's Work -- Bountiful Harvest

by Glenda Wyer
The Lord surely has blessed the corn crops. Everywhere there seems to be a pile waiting to go out in shipment to feed the nation. Praise God! I know many were concerned due to the weather at the time of planting. May our faith continue to grow through the miracles God does.

November is the one month we tend to show the most gratitude. Family traditions of a feast is one way many show their thankfulness.

I've heard some mention they were thankful election commercials ended. My job is to be thankful they had the courage to campaign and pray they can make a difference for God's glory. I believe in the power of prayer and it can change the direction our leaders take to transform us as one nation under God.

We gather at church at 3:30 Wednesday afternoons to pray and sing some praises; it makes a difference in our lives as well as those around us. Due to cold weather last winter, we had to take a break. I pray we will be blessed and able to serve him in every season, joyfully.

At Conference, each church was partnered with another congregation with the purpose of prayer and to encourage them. Grant City was partnered with Burlington Junction, Hopkins with Clearmont, Ravenwood with Burr Oak, Pickering with Skidmore and Wilcox, and Sheridan with Parnell. May teaming with them help us learn how to pray for their ministries.

Travis was at the pulpit this Sunday. Next week in the gratitude series, we will study about our community and public servants. Let us be thankful for their services. I am very thankful the water department was able to repair a broken main to restore what we come to take for granted. How many people do we take for granted on a daily basis? Take time to let them know they are appreciated for their sacrifices they make to serve God, country, and community. May God bless those who serve, to stay safe and healthy.

I wouldn't know where to begin counting my blessings. Join us at church and we can count them together. See you in church!

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