Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jack Remembers: Letters from Readers

I have received several letters in response from my two columns about proper display of the flag and remembering Pearl Harbor. Dixie and Bill Clapper from Macon who read “Jack Remembers” in the Shelbina Weekly contacted me about flying the flag, as did Nancy Hammond, who read my column in the Lexington paper while visiting her 93 year old aunt. Jack Robinson, a Korean veteran from Oak Grove also responded to this column and said if I had anyone who was having trouble displaying the flag properly I could send them to him.

However, my Remember Pearl Harbor column got the most response, and I thought I would reprint a letter from Jim & Sheila Davis, Lafayette County, that said it best.

We were very impressed your article that ended with “remember Pearl Harbor”. My husband worked for Ford for almost 35 years and to see all of these foreign cars on the road is very disheartening. Neither of us can understand how so many of them are sold here in the USA. To make it even worse, you see many, many of the elderly (who should very well remember Pearl Harbor) driving these imports. In my opinion, they should be ashamed of themselves. There are many models of cars made in the good ole USA to chose from, why do they chose the import instead. It can’t be because of cost, for they are no cheaper. I know some will say of their import that it was built in the USA, but do they stop and think that profits from that vehicle will go to the country of origin.

I admit we do buy imported items, for today one can’t help to do so. If we find American made we buy it, but these things are getting harder and harder to come by.

Thanks again for your article and thanks for letting me vent. Keep on reminding American that they need to buy American when they can!!

Jim & Sheila Davis, June 21, 2011

Jack can be reached at PO Box 40, Oak Grove, MO 64075 or jackremembers@aol.com

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