Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Walk 1440 for March 25th, 2009

by Jeff Blaine
Pastor, Sheridan Christian Church
Offensive…how many offensive people do you know?
You know the ones…they have certain things about them you really don’t like: the way they talk, the way they dress, their hair style, their body language…to say or think something positive about them would be like pulling hen’s teeth…impossible!
One thing that is easy for you to do about that person or "those" people you don’t like is to ignore them
We all have done it: a quick duck into the other isle at the grocery store to avoid eye contact, a decided effort to avoid the street they live on, an obvious detour to the other side of the office to avoid their cubicle, or simply the direct approach when they say hi or wave to you…you do nothing… you ignore them you let them pass easily from your midst with nary a concern & go your way.
Why is it that some people are more offensive than others?
Might it be how they "make" us feel?
Curious term "make"…how can anyone reach inside your head or heart forcing you, that is "making" you feel something?
Truthfully? They can’t…they don’t have any ability to reach inside you to "make" you feel anything
So, why are we offended by them? When we encounter that person or persons that offend us, they may go against the image or picture we like for ourselves
Internally, we may think "they represent nothing I am or will be…I have no use for them now or later"…thus, we reject them…thus, they are offensive…thus, it is easy to let them pass from our midst & go our way.
Arguably, one of the most offensive people to enter the human timeline is Jesus Christ…shocking to consider such a thing…or is it?
"And all the people in the synagogue were filled with rage as they heard these things;
and they got up and drove Him[Jesus] out of the city, and led Him[Jesus] to the brow of the hill on which their city had been built, in order to throw Him[Jesus] down the cliff. Luke 4:28-29
What "things" did they hear from Jesus? The truth…about themselves.
Why is the truth about ourselves offensive? Frankly, it goes against the image or picture we like for ourselves…we then start to ignore the only truth that will save us from us…which is Jesus Christ.
"But passing through their midst, He [Jesus] went His way." Luke 4:30
According to this verse…who is ignoring who now?
You might concern yourself with ignoring the words of Jesus but perhaps your real concern should be: is Jesus ignoring me?
There are 1440 minutes in a day…WALK1440 considering the consequence of ignoring the truth about yourself

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