Monday, March 23, 2009

County Commission Minutes for March 23rd, 2009

Meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by Presiding Commissioner. Members present: Austin, Ruckman, and Gabbert.
1. Commissioner Austin called the meeting to order. .
2. Commissioner Ruckman made a motion to approve the minutes as read. Commissioner Gabbert seconded. Motion carried. Minutes approved.
3. Commissioner Gabbert made a motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Ruckman seconded. Motion carried.
4. Commissioner Ruckman made a motion approve and pay bills and payroll checks. Commissioner Gabbert seconded.
5. Jim Fletchall reported that he needs an impact wrench to complete the repairs to the dozer. Commissioner Gabbert made a motion to approve the purchase of the impact wrench at Buzzard Gulch. Commissioner Ruckman seconded. Motion carried.
6. Richard Hunt called Commissioner Gabbert regarding a road in Smith township. He was requesting maintenance gravel. The Commission decided that that he needs to put patron gravel on the road and sign up is now.
7. Tye Parsons and Dana Ternes from Regional Council of Governments came to the Commission to discuss several items. The ADA Accessible CDBG
8. The Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan is due to be updated and the Worth County portion of the grant is discussed. The County share is $6,250 of $25,000 in either cash or in kind match. The in kind match by attending meeting and helping gather data.
9. Ed Ackley talked to Jim Fletchall regarding a drive tube.
10. Jim will need bridge lumber for repairs soon. All bids were rejected from earlier bidding and there is a quote from Cache Davis of $0.80 a board foot delivered, Pat Sullinger of $0.85 and Joe Gardner of $0.75 FOB. Cache will deliver as needed rather than having a large inventory. After discussing the situation, Commissioner Ruckman made a motion to accept Cache’s quote. Commissioner Gabbert seconded. Motion carried.
11. Commissioner Ruckman reported on CR 139 and CR 140 need graded and the crown built up. The neighborhood residents are requesting this be done.
12. Julie Tracy came to the Commission to request a letter of support for a Telecommunications grant for Distance Learning in 11 schools throughout NW Missouri. After discussing the worthiness of the grant; Commissioner Gabbert made a motion to support the grant. Commissioner Ruckman seconded. Motion carried and the letter of support signed by Commissioner Austin.
13. Commissioner Austin called a lunch recess.
14. Session reopened. Cache Davis came before the board and discussed his lumber quote; he was given an award letter.
15. Linda Brown, Treasurer gave weekly financial reports.
16. The Commissioners and Jim Fletchall, Road and Bridge Supervisor went to the county maintenance building to meet with the road and bridge employees and inspect roads.
17. Commissioner Ruckman made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Austin seconded. Motion carried, meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm.

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