Thursday, February 25, 2010

Worth County School Board Minutes for February 18th, 2010

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Andrews, Paul Tracy, Terry Green, Richard Mullock, Karen Fletchall, Jubal Summers, Sherri Runde (10:15).

I. Call to Order by President Summers at 7:32.

II. MOTION by Mullock, second by Tracy to approve the agenda as printed. Motion carried 6-0.

III. Pledge of Allegiance.

IV. Reading of the District Mission Statement.

V. No citizens' comments.

VI. No committee report.

VII. CTA Report

Kelley Ross teaches 6th grade and her class is reading The Rats of NIMH, working with the new math series, studying ancient Greece and Rome. In science, they have built a giant Oreo cookie.

Jackie Carlson has taught hunters' education; she has students building bird houses, a new ball cage, hay trailer, and cattle panels. She has a class that is now starting the greenhouse. FFA has done many fundraisers and a number of field trips and are working on getting ready for competitions.

VIII. MSBA Board Report, unable to view.

IX. MOTION by Green, second by Andrews to approve the consent agenda:
a. Minutes of 1/21/2010 meeting.
b. Financial report, monthly bills.
c. Administrator reports.
d. Approve program evaluations -- activities, governance.
Motion carried 6/0.

X: Administrative Requiring Action.

a. MOTION by Mullock, second by Green to approve the second reading of the following policies:
Policy 0530 -- Policy Implementation
Policy 1110 -- Religious Expression
Policy 1300 -- Equal Opportunity
Policy 1310 -- Civil Rights, Title IX, Section 504
Policy 1320 -- Nondiscrimination and Freedom from Harassment on the Basis of Sex
Policy 1405 -- Parent/Family Involvement in Education
Motion carried 6/0.

b. First Reading of the following policies:
Policy 1410 -- Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities
Policy 1420 -- Community Use of School Facilities
Policy 1425 -- School/Community Relations
Policy 1430 -- Visitors to Schools
Policy 1431 -- Code of Conduct -- Adults
Policy 1432 -- Prohibition against firearms and weapons
Policy 1440 -- Research requests

c. MOTION by Green, second by Tracy to approve and accept, if awarded, the vocational grants.
Motion carried 6/0.

d. MOTION by Tracy, second by Mullock to approve the budget revisions as printed for the 2009-2010 school year.

e. Discussion of budget reductions.

XI. Items for Future Meetings
a. Policy Review
b. Program Evaluations

XII. MOTION by Fletchall, second by Tracy to go into closed session at 9:18 after a five minute break pursuant to Section 610.01, 610.021, 610.022 RSMO to discuss personnel matters (subsection 3 & 13). 6/0 Roll Call Vote.

MOTION by Fletchall, second by Runde to end closed session at 10:55. 7/0 Roll Call Vote.

MOTION by Andrews, second by Fletchall to add Ronnie Supinger to the support staff substitute list. Motion carried 7/0.

XIII. Next regular board meeting 3/18/2010 at 7:30 p.m.

XIV. MOTION by Fletchall, second by Mullock to adjourn at 11:02. Motion carried 7/0.

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