Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Northeast Nodaway School Board Minutes & Notes for September 2024


High School Building                        

Sept. 18, 2024 6:00 pm 

Members Present: Jeff Redden (Presiding Officer), Karl Wilmes, Kenna Florea, Cody Adwell, Heather Jackson, Courtney Kennard. Not present: Leslie Wilmes.  

Others Present: Brenda Dougan, Superintendent, Heidi Beatty, Principal, Chaim Jenkins, Assistant Principal / Athletic Director, DeAnn Redden, Secretary/Treasurer 


A. Call to Order - Meeting was called to order by Jeff Redden at 6:00 p.m. 

B. Approval/Amendment of Agenda – Motion to amend the agenda to include adding the Software Unlimited invoice to the accounts payable list made by Courtney Kennard, seconded by Heather Jackson.  Vote:  6-0 


MARE was here to discuss the Superintendent search process with the Board. 


MO Rev Stat §610.021 Closed Meeting, Closed Records  

Motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters made by Karl Wilmes, seconded by Courtney Kennard. Vote:   Karl Wilmes  Yes  Kenna Florea  Yes Heather Jackson Yes  Courtney Kennard Yes Cody Adwell  Yes  Jeff Redden Yes 

Time:  7:17 p.m. 

Return to open session. 

Time: 7:20 p.m. 


Kenna Florea made a motion to approve the following Consent Agenda items as presented, seconded by Heather Jackson.  Vote:  5-0-1 Abstain (Cody Adwell) 

A. Minutes of Regular Meeting August 15, 2024 –as written 

B. Financial 

1. Financial Reports 

2. Accounts Payable – Accounts payable list for September 18, 2024 were approved. With 

the addition of the invoice from Software Unlimited in the amount of $6200.00. 

C. Bus Route Approval 

D. Substitute List 


A. Spotlight-   Mrs. Gladman shared about elementary scholar bowl and elementary student council with the Board.   

B. CTA Report –  Mrs. Gladman reported for the CTA.  She let the board know that they are 

having a McTeacher Night Fundraiser at the Maryville McDonald’s on September 24 from  4:00-8:00 pm. 

C. Assistant Principal/AD Report – Enclosed 

D. Principal Report – Enclosed 

E. Superintendents Report – Enclosed 

F. MSIP 6/CSIP  - Update on Goal 3. 


A. School Health Services – Mrs. Dougan presented the School Health Services program 

evaluation to the Board.  Motion to approve the program evaluation as presented made by Courtney Kennard, seconded by Heather Jackson.  Vote: 6-0 

B. School Improvement Planning (CSIP) – Mrs. Dougan presented the School Improvement Planning (CSIP) evaluation to the Board.  Motion to approve the program evaluation as presented made by Karl Wilmes, seconded by Kenna Florea.  Vote: 6-0 


A. Assessment Plan – Mrs. Beatty presented the Assessment Plan to the board.  Motion to approve the Assessment Plan as presented made by Karl Wilmes, seconded by Heather Jackson.    Vote: 6-0 

B. Roof Repair Proposal – Mrs. Dougan presented two proposals for the roof repair and gutter leaf guards.  Troyer Roofing - $24,717 and Fox Valley Roofing - $28,586. Cody Adwell made a motion to approve the proposal from Troyer Roofing in the amount of $24,717.  Karl Wilmes seconded that motion.  Vote:  6-0 

C. Old Gym Bleacher Proposal  - Mrs. Dougan shared a proposal from Heartland Seating for new bleachers in the old gym.  The $31,188 proposal includes support brackets for the bleachers. No action taken at this time.   


Motion to adjourn the September 18, 2024 school board meeting made by Heather Jackson, seconded by Cody Adwell. 

Vote:   Karl Wilmes Yes, Heather Jackson Yes, Cody Adwell Yes, Kenna Florea Yes , Courtney Kennard Yes, Jeff Redden Yes. 

Time:  8:13 p.m.  

Superintendent Brenda Dougan

Donations/Grants:  The MFA grant was written for Family and Consumer Science appliances. Facilities/Maintenance:  We received bids for roof repair and new bleachers in the old gym. I am still trying to get a couple of proposals for exterior building maintenance. The keyless entry on outside entrances is complete. Wayfinding signage has been added throughout the building. 

Training:  You should have received an email with a link to complete a required training, MUSIC Sexual Misconduct: Staff-to-Student.  This is in addition to the required 1-hour refresher training. We will have you sign the date you watched the video to keep on file.     

Principal Heidi Beatty

 ● Senate Bill 681 Literacy & Kindergarten Testing updates

 ○ Almost all K-3 testing is completed. We will be done well before our September 30th State Deadline.

 ○ We are currently conducting our required Dyslexic Screenings

 ○ Mrs. Davison is finishing up our Kindergarten Readiness assessment also due to the state prior to the end of the month

 ○ Letters will go home by the end of the month as required parent communication

 ● Grades K-8 Reading RTI + Math RTI

 ○ We have created groups with our Title teacher; our intervention teacher; and our librarian to help each student grow in their literacy skills:

 ■ K-2: small phonics groups & small reading groups & RTI groups

 ■ 3-6: literacy coaching opportunities weekly & RTI groups

 ■ 7/8th: RTI group

 ■ 7/8th: Every other day math lab course

 ■ 7/8th: Every other day grammar course

 ○ We have also created Math RTI this year using our Renaissance data.

 ■ Ms. Schneider serves grades 1-3

 ■ Mrs. T. Adwell serves grades 4-6

 ○ We also have new goals set up to encourage students to read outside of the classroom- research has proven that kids who read 21 minutes or more outside of school increase their reading scores on state assessments (see commons area)

 ● Community Event: Goodies with Grandparents held on September 11

 ○ Changes this year: only PK-6

 ○ Over 150 attended the event

 ○ First grade recited the Pledge while 5th grade read special poems

 ○ Mrs. Gladman introduced Elementary Scholar Bowl & Elementary Student Council

 ○ All elementary staff were introduced to the guests


 ○ President: Manessa Runde

 ○ Met in August to create fundraiser schedule for the year

● Senior Trip Updates: Seniors are ready with proposals for location and timeframe (Sunday, May 4 through Thursday May 8). Current account balance is around $11,400. As

of now, one Senior has signed out of class.

 ○ Itinerary presentation currently scheduled for October Board meeting.

 ● September PD Day: The entire 275 Conference will be meeting at 8:00 am at Northwest to hear from Gerry Brooks. There will be a series of breakout sessions and network meetings to round out the day.

 ● NWRCORP Grant: Mrs. Groomer and I applied for a grant from Northwest Health Services- we received money towards Mr. Wilson, our licensed counselor as well as events throughout the year for our students and free teletherapy services for staff and adults/parents of our school district. There will also be special assemblies coming to NEN this year through this grant.

 ● MOSAIC partnership: We continue to offer teletherapy services for students through

MOSAIC again this year. In addition, through the generous support of several local partners in our area and the organization by Mrs. Groomer, we have the opportunity to go to NWMSU to listen to Drew Robinson, former MLB Texas Rangers & St. Louis Cardinals baseball player talk to us about the importance of mental health on September 26.

 ● Spring 2024 State Testing Results: See MSIP 6 document updates

Assistant Principal Chaim Jenkins

 ● Athletics and Activities:

 ○ Softball- Varsity softball is currently 1-2 with a 1-1 record in conference. Regular season play continues including the Stanberry and North Andrew tournaments. JH softball is currently 1-0 with both weeknight games and the Stanberry and East Harrison tournaments upcoming.

 ○ Football- Varsity football is 2-1 with a 1-0 record in conference. Remainder of the regular season is against conference schools prior to the beginning of district play. JH football has started off 1-0 in the beginning of their season.

 ○ Scholar Bowl- Fifth and Sixth grade Scholar Bowl is midway through their season which runs through September and concludes with a top four championship the first Wednesday in October.

 ○ Basketball- JH basketball will begin practice September 30th.

 ○ Girls Golf- Lady Tigers Golf team has had finishes of 1st at Stanberry, 2nd at South Harrison, 4th at Maryville, and 1st at Worth County. Georgia Taylor has had individual finishes that include 3rd at Stanberry, 26th at Maryville, and 2nd at Worth County.

 ○ Band-Band will perform at the Worth County Homecoming parade on September 20th, Clarinda Band Jamboree on October 5th, and Northwest Missouri State University Homecoming parade on October 19th.

 ○ FFA & FCCLA-FFA officers attended the National FFA officer visit on September 10th. NWMSU Fall CDE’s will be on October 3rd. FCCLA officers will attend the Fall Leadership Conference at Lake of the Ozarks on October 13th and 14th.


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