Sunday, January 8, 2012

Clerk to Move Fletchall Precinct Line

Presiding Commissioner Findley called the meeting to order at 9:03 am.

1. Commissioner Rob Ruckman made a motion to approve the amended minute. Clerk Owens changed the word dozer to the word grader in Jim Fletchall report. Commissioner Dennis Gabbert seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
2. Commissioner Rob Ruckman reported the gas prices from MFA as gas $2.999 and diesel $3.629
3. Treasurer Linda Brown presented the Weekly Balance Sheet.
4. Lee Dumke came to discuss his brush letter. Commissioners agreed to let him do one area now; from the barn to the existing clean area, then do the next area in October.
5. Rick Ridge, James Ridge, and Max Garrett came to discuss CR 35/Elk Avenue. The commissioners explained the emergency rock program to them.
6. Road and Bridge Supervisor Jim Fletchall report:
· The road crew got the bridge out and tube in on CR 249/150th road.
· Fletchall called about getting an appraisal on the grader, he was told that the best way is to take the highest price and the lowest price on Machine Trader and average them together to get a price.
· Fletchall called Tom Weller from Great Bend Kansas about loader buckets. They have some in the $300.-$500. price range.
7. Rip, from Metal Culverts stopped by to discus tube needs for the county.
8. Commissioner Rob Ruckman made a motion to adjourn at 11:35 pm. Commissioner Dennis Gabbert seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Presiding Commissioner Ted Findley opened the afternoon session of the meeting at 1:45.
9. The commissioners looked over the budget and discussed a new county barn with Jim Fletchall.
10. Clerk Roberta Owens presented a proposal to move the precinct line between East and West Fletchall to remove the jog that was put in place back when the Firehouse was used as a polling place. The line now runs down Main Street to 3rd street, and then goes west two blocks, south one block, and then east two blocks to reconnect to Main Street. There are no voters in the area that it will affect. The State no longer requires the polling place be on a line between the two areas. Commissioner Dennis Gabbert made a motion to move the district line so that it comes straight down Main Street. Commissioner Rob Ruckman seconded. All in favor, motion carried. Clerk Owens will check with the County Attorney to see what else needs to be done to complete the project.
11. Commissioner Dennis Gabbert made a motion to adjourn at 5:00 pm. Commissioner Rob Ruckman seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

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