Sunday, October 2, 2011

Community Services, Economic Developer Seeking Office Space at Courthouse

(Minutes from the County Commission Meeting of September 26th)
There was a third meeting held about the CAFO issue. Chevy Davidson presented some facts and figures to the commission. Several people were in attendance to voice their opinions.
1. Commissioner Dennis Gabbert made a motion approve the agenda and minutes. Commissioner Rob Ruckman seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
2. Treasurer Linda Brown presented the weekly balance sheet, bills, and payroll.
3. Commissioner Rob Ruckman made a motion to approve the bills. Commissioner Dennis Gabbert seconded. All in favor, motion carried.
4. Commissioner Rob Ruckman reported the gas prices from MFA as gas $3.399 and diesel $3.759
5. Charity Austin, Economic Developer reported on EEZ progress. The Enhanced Enterprise Zone documents have been mailed off. It should be completed in about 3 weeks. She also told the commissioners that they City will no longer house the Economic Developer so they will need to provide an office space.
6. Bridget Gibson voiced concerns about old 169. She wants to know how to make it compliant for the tax rock. The commissioners told her that it would need to be narrowed, ditched, and crowned, and then base rock added to make it compliant.
7. Road and Bridge Foreman Jim Fletchall Report:
· Russell found 2 buckets to look at for the loader. Fletchall will find out more information.
· While working on CR 194 county crew found where Grand River Mutual Phone co had sliced through a tube. Fletchall will call Windstream.
· Fletchall explained a mistake that was made on CR 60. It had been designated as a bi-pass road earlier this spring so Roger Robertson the County rock hauler assumed it was all supposed to be covered with the tax rock, so he started at the wrong end and went all the way through.
· Robertson called to ask the commissioners if he was supposed to put tax rock on CR 164 since it was in the city limits of Denver. Commissioner Ruckman told him to put rock on it as it connected with the county road.
8. As set from Tax Hearing held on September 19th the levies are as follows:
Library tax levy at 0.0999.
The General Revenue Tax Levy at $.4996
General Revenue Temporary Tax Levy at $.35,
Road and Bridge Fund Tax Levy at $.4996
Special Road and Bridge Fund Tax Levy at $.3297
Senior Citizens Fund Tax Levy at $.05
9. Commissioner Dennis Gabbert made a motion to adjourn for lunch at 12:00 pm. Commissioner Rob Ruckman seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Presiding Commissioner Ted Findley brought the afternoon session to order at 1:45 pm.
10. Commissioner Dennis Gabbert made a motion to go into closed session with David Baird, County Attorney to discuss litigation at 1:48. Commissioner Rob Ruckman seconded. Findley aye, Ruckman aye, Gabbert aye.
11. Commissioner Dennis Gabbert made a motion to come out of closed session at 3:15 pm commissioner Rob Ruckman seconded. Roll vote: Findley aye, Ruckman aye, Gabbert aye.
12. There was more discussion on available space in the courthouse, due to the budget cuts from Community Services, the Community Services office will no longer be housed in the Apblanalp building. Mary Jo Fletchall is seeking free space for her office. Ted Findley is on the Community Services board and mentioned moving the office somewhere in the courthouse also.
13. Commissioner Dennis Gabbert made a motion to adjourn at 4:56 pm. Commissioner Rob Ruckman seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

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