Superintendent Matt Robinson reported to the board that the budgetdeficitfor the just-ended fiscal year was not as bad as originally projected. The budget deficit came out to $61,000, as opposed to the$159,000 which had originally been budgeted, although the district is looking at deficit spending $100,000 dollars again this year. He reported that the school was in the process of revising its books; they will then send them off tothe auditor.
Jeff Andrews was sworn in as the newest board member for the SchoolBoard.He replaces Kevin Austin, who resigned after being appointed Presiding Commissioner by Governor Jay Nixon.
The board voted to award the fuel bid to MFA at 6 cents less than current tank wagon prices. The bid for bread went to Hy-Vee at $1.26, up two cents from last year. The hamburger buns were $1.34, unchanged from last year; the coney buns will cost 96 cents, up two cents from last year. Roberts was awarded the bid for milk; their bids for milk were sharply lower than what the school paid Anderson/Erickson last year. The price of orange juice will be 17 cents while cottage cheese will cost $5.40. Sour cream will cost $4.75. Veolia was awarded the trash service for this year at a cost of $819 per month, up from $812 per month last year. Mefford was awarded the pest control bid at $39 per month, unchanged from last year.
The board voted to raise most lunch prices for the next school year.Adultlunch prices will be $2.40, up five cents from last year. High school lunch prices will be $1.65, up 15 cents from last year. Elementary lunch prices will be $1.40, up 15 cents from last year. Elementary school breakfast will be $1.15, unchanged from last year. Superintendent Robinson said that the prices would help keep the lunch fund in the black, allowingthe school to pay for needed expenses out of that fund without having to take money out of other funds. Worth County would continue to have some of the lowest lunch prices in the area even with the increases. The elementary breakfast price was unchanged because Robinson said that he wanted to encourage participation in the program.
The board voted to get four credit cards for the school. Robinson said that it would be more convenient for the school; for instance, the school would not have to reimburse staff every time they purchased materials for the school. More and more hotels are requiring credit card numbers and not taking PO's, which means that it would be easier for the school to plan student trips to state or national events with a credit card. They could also be used in the event of an emergency. Robinson said that there would be a set of procedures to approve credit card purchases and that all credit card statements would be reconciled and and documented. All credit card statements would go to the school. Robinson said that he would figure out a credit limit with the bank representative. There would be protections against identity theft. The school would set their own billing cycles, which means that they would not have to worry about late fees.
The tax rate hearing will be August 20th at 7:30 p.m. before the regular board meeting.
The board went to closed session to hire substitute teachers and fill athletic positions as well as hire a new food service employee. After the closed session, the board voted to offer Ginger Myers a six-hour food service position for the 2009-2010 school year at $8.27 per hour. The board then voted to add Mark Carlson as a substitute driver. The board then offered the Junior High Boys Basketball coaching position to Chris Healy. Chris Cadle was offered the High School Boys Basketball Assistant position while Jessica Burton was offered the High School Girls Basketball Assistant position. Shelly Straight was offered a 2/3 Concession Stand contract while Arlette Robinson was offered a 1/3 Concession Stand contract. Added to the substitute teacher list were Kayna Cameron, Cassie Gilland, Scott Darrach, and Deloris Darrach.
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